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Bike Race

League Target Races

During the course of the season we have a series of races that will earn the club points. Below are the 2024 / 2025 season target race events.


League Scoreboard


The Points Explained


Points are allocated for participation and performance as such:


Participation Points

  • 5% of club members race and finish = 15 participation points

  • 10% of club members race and finish = 30 participation points

  • 20% of club members race and finish = 45 participation points


Participation Point Rules

  • A clubs membership number is calculated as the number of members aged 12+ from the end of the May 31 of the previous season.

  • If 5%, 10% or 20% of a clubs membership is not a whole number, the required participant amount is rounded to the nearest whole number e.g 10% of a 64 member club = 6.4 members – therefore the club requires 6 members to race and finish for 6 points. 10% of a 67 member club = 6.7 members – therefore the club requires 7 members to race and finish for 6 points.

  • Smaller clubs with less than 20 members will be measured for participation points as if they are a club of 20 members.

  • If a clubs required participation is calculated as one member for  both 5% and 10%, an extra required participant is added to the 10% requirement, meaning they would need two participants.

  • Athletes who compete at two distances over an event weekend e.g. Sprint Duathlon on Saturday, Standard Triathlon on Sunday will count twice towards their Clubs Participation Point tally.


Performance points

1st - 10 Performance Points

2nd - 9 Performance Points

3rd - 8 Performance Points

4th - 7 Performance Points

5th - 6 Performance Points

6th - 5 Performance Points

7th - 4 Performance Points

8th - 3 Performance Points

9th - 2 Performance Points

10th - 1 Performance Point


*Points will be allocated to the top 10 from each age group division.

*Athletes who compete at two distances over an event weekend e.g. Sprint Duathlon on Saturday, Standard Triathlon on Sunday, can score Performance Points in both.


Max Out

Clubs can earn a maximum of 200 points at each event of the Regional Interclub Series.

This point equalisation strategy will be implemented to allow clubs of varying sizes to compete against each other.

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