Concord Tri Club aims to provide a supportive environment to help members of all levels achieve their fitness goals. We maintain a calendar of events throughout the year that includes coaching and training sessions in and around the Inner West of Sydney along with our famous Summer Aquathon Series.
New members and beginners are always welcome –
Why not give us a ‘tri’?

First established in 1992, Concord Tri Club (CTC) aims to promote the sport of triathlon as well as general wellbeing and fitness in inner western Sydney. The club is founded on encouragement and support, and endeavours to provide a program that helps members of all levels achieve their fitness goals. The club is affiliated Triathlon NSW and calls the beautiful inner-western bay area’s its home. We maintain a calendar of events throughout the year. From September to April, we run regular Wednesday night sessions operating out of both the picturesque Drummoyne and Cabarita swim centres. During daylight savings, we predominantly run a series of Aquathons (Swim / Run events) where members are graded and race in “waves”. The events are timed and results are published so that members can gauge their performance and improvement over the course of the season. We support these events with additional coaching and/or training sessions. During the cooler months, we run a more limited program designed to help members maintain fitness, social networks and prepare for running and riding events held during the winter months. Club members can involve themselves in as many or as little of the calendar program as they choose. See our Club Calendar to find out where and when our next event or training session will be. CTC also plays the role as a conduit for training, preparation and competition. For many of our members, CTC is a part of their overall program and association with triathlon. Accordingly, membership brings with it a range of further opportunities to connect with other swim, ride, run or sporting entities as well as smaller “spin-off” training groups that invariably emerge in a wider triathlon club environment. CTC also promotes a healthy, interactive social calendar for those who want to network on triathlon, fitness or just socialise with like minded people. Such events are held throughout the year usually on a monthly basis. Often they are combined with training and racing events, examples of which include: Special Handicap Races, Team Events, Sausage Sizzles & BBQ’s, Social Rides, After Race Dinners, Bay Run & Brekkies’ and Weekends Away (Huskisson, Club Championships). In addition we also run dedicated social activities like the Wine & Cheese Night and CTC Awards Night. We continually keep members abreast of all the latest news and “goings on” via regular / weekly emails as well as the use of other communications forums such as Facebook and the Latest News section of our Website. The club prides itself on its personal, friendly and down to earth nature. We strive hard to create and maintain a non-intimidating environment that is welcoming to all – in particular newcomers to the sport of triathlon. We endeavour to provide a support network to our members as well as encouraging participation in tri-sport events. In line with objective, CTC event participation has grown substantially in recent times – where we usually punch above our weight…. both on and “off the track”. For more information about our club and/or membership please feel free to contact us at any time or see the Join tab.
Concord Triathlon Club is affiliated with Triathlon Australia and Triathlon NSW.
In order to compete at Club events and external events a Triathlon Australia Membership needs to be purchased. The Club offers a free trial at an Aquathlon before joining.
Whether you are supporting from the sideline, training for fitness, racing with your club, or competing in state or national championships – you can choose a membership that suits your triathlon lifestyle.
Take your fitness journey to the next level with our advanced classes. Our techniques are designed to build a strong body and mind, with modifications to suit all levels of fitness. Book now and treat yourself to a healthy body and mind!
Ideal for those who just want a lighter experience and only want to train with their club or participate on a more occasional basis.
Essential for the regular member and provides access to enhanced member benefits.
Designed for the avid triathlete who wants additional value and benefits from their triathlon membership.
In addition to core membership, if you are a coach, technical official or professional athlete, you can include additional packages with your membership by choosing from the following Add Ons. You can choose multiple Add On packages, to reflect your level of involvement in triathlon.
Triathlon and multisport clubs like ours offer safe training environments where you can enjoy weekly training sessions, hone your skills with coaching and get race ready with club events. You’ll also be able to compete with club pride at club championships. To support our affiliated clubs and ensure they remain accessible for the triathlon community, Triathlon Australia membership is more affordable when you join through your local club.
Questions about Triathlon Australia membership?
Get in touch with our membership team:
(02) 8488 6200